Thursday, 1 March 2012

General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)

Life in 3G (or 2G or 4G)

Mobile phone/internet technology is evolving so rapidly that it would be nearly impossible to produce a piece that was completely up-to-date. The evolution of this technology is actually quite a bit ahead of what is readily available to the common user. So, while I write to you about GPRS, this is a technology that is already somewhat outdated even though it is still new enough not to have been adopted by many countries.

Mobile phones are categorized by generations. Older mobile phones that were made primarily for voice and sometimes photo transfer were considered to be “2nd Generation (2G)”. GPRS was a technology that evolved to allow 2G users to access the internet and also to increase interest among users in gaining more use of this option for the future. However, third generation mobile phones have now evolved, allowing for internet access at much higher speeds than their predecessors. In fact, 4G phones are already in existence. So is GPRS obsolete? No – not yet. At the moment, because of expense and licensing issues, many countries have not built 3G networks and for many that have begun to build, the coverage is still quite limited. Therefore, the international traveler should not expect to be able to access 3G features while away making GPRS a continued necessity.

GPRS is a service commonly associated with 2.5G technology. It has data transmission rates of 28 kbps or higher. GPRS came after the development of the Global System for Mobile (GSM) service, which is classified as 2G technology, and it was succeeded by the development of the Universal Mobile Telecommunication Service (UMTS), which is classified as 3G technology.
A 2.5G system may make use of 2G system infrastructure, but it implements a packet-switched network domain in addition to a circuit-switched domain. This does not necessarily give 2.5G an advantage over 2G in terms of network speed, because bundling of timeslots is also used for circuit-switched data services (HSCSD).
  • Communication via GPRS is cheaper than through the regular GSM network. Instant-messenger services and mobile email facilities allow you to send longer messages for cheaper rates through the GPRS connection, as opposed to transmitting messages in SMS or short message service. Customers only pay for the amount of data transported, and not for the duration of the Internet connection.
Constant Connection
  • Through GPRS technology, users are constantly connected to the Internet. As GPRS services are available wherever there is GSM coverage, it allows you to connect to the Internet even when other services such as 3G or HSDPA are not available.
  • GPRS provides wireless access to the Internet from any location where there is a network signal. This enables you to surf the Internet on your laptop or phone, even in remote areas.


  • Although new, faster technology exists today, GPRS is still faster than the older WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) and regular GSM services. GPRS data is transferred at speeds ranging from 9.6 kilobytes per second up to 114kbps.
Simultaneous Use
  • When you access the Internet through GPRS, it does not block incoming calls through the GSM network. This enables you to make or receive voice calls while you are browsing the Internet or downloading data.
What Kind of GPRS Phone?
If you read our article on Cellphone Basics , you will already know the importance of getting a GSM phone. This is no different when wanting GPRS capability. GSM systems are the only systems where GPRS is currently in use.
There are 3 classes of capability you may find when searching GSM/GPRS phones:
Class C phones cannot transfer voice (GSM) and data (GPRS) at the same time. With a class C device the user must use only one service at a time and switch the phone manually to change over.
Class B phones connect to both GSM and GPRS simultaneously but only one service at a time can be used. The phone automatically resets after the call or connection is finished and there is no need for the user to switch the phone manually.
Class A phones can use both GSM and GPRS simultaneously allowing the user to speak and transfer data all at the same time.
Most phones on the market right now are Class B phones.

Making it Work
So you have your GPRS enabled phone and a GPRS enabled SIM card. The next step will be to learn how to use the service. There are 3 methods for connecting your mobile phone to your laptop.
  1. Data-cable – yes, the good old fashioned wire method. This is reliable and not too inconvenient when traveling.
  2. Infrared – requires the alignment of the IR port on the laptop with the IR port on the phone. However, if you are on a jostling train or in a limited space this might be difficult. For instance, some laptops have their IR port in front of the keyboard making typing impractical. You also need a phone that includes IR connecting.
  3. Bluetooth – this can be an ideal option as it allows connection just through proximity but will require configuration of a Bluetooth enabled phone and laptop with Bluetooth or Bluetooth card. In addition, this option may slow your connection and run your phone battery down fast.
Once the phone and laptop are communicating, you will need to access the GPRS network. Accessing GPRS networks usually involves dialing in access codes and passwords. These codes and passwords will vary depending on your service provider and country in which you are traveling. Instructions for accessing the network should be provided by this service.
And, voila! You’re in business, nomad.

Broadband Telecommunications Handbook

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